‘Software Hosted in Germany’ seal of approval awarded again

Dreieich, October 2024

EFiS AG has once again received the ‘Software Hosted in Germany’ seal of approval from the Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e.V. (BITMi). This seal of approval confirms that EFiS AG’s hosting services fulfil the high requirements for data protection and data security under German law. The data is stored and processed exclusively on servers in Germany, which complies with the strict German and European data protection regulations.

By repeatedly awarding this seal, the BITMi recognises the trustworthy standards and sustainable quality of EFiS AG’s software and hosting solutions. This means that companies can access secure software hosting services ‘Made in Germany’ and benefit from maximum protection of sensitive data and the highest level of digital data sovereignty.



Account Statement Service Expanded

Dreieich, August 2024

EFiS AG has updated and expanded its established account statement service. Both national and international customers can now receive their complete account information (intra-day transactions and end-of-day balances) through EFiS, regardless of the format and standard of the sending bank.

Customers can have the information sent from banks to EFiS without needing their own SWIFT BIC, as the EFiS BIC is used as the communication hub with the banks. This allows for nearly all banks worldwide to be connected in a standardized manner.

  • Delivery and sorting in a single format, even when delivered in different formats (e.g., camt-MT conversion)
  • Transformation of text codes
  • Completeness check
  • Distribution of account statements per account to different systems
  • Fair, account-based pricing model




London, April 2024

London based iFAST Global Bank has effectively implemented a new back-office feeder system within the CHAPS network, facilitating real-time gross settlement of high-value GBP payments for digital personal banking customers.
The EFiS platform ensures robust SWIFT-based connectivity for iFAST Global Bank, enhancing payment processing capabilities.
As a direct CHAPS participant, iFAST Global Bank intends to extend its services by offering indirect CHAPS participation in the future.




At last, EBADay again! – Non Hype Banking Digitalization

We will meet in Vienna and exchange views on many interesting developments in the banking industry across Europe.

Foremost are innovations: The status of developments or tests, for example for the T2 migration, which is slated for autumn with many facets;  The XML initiative in worldwide cross-border payments; RTP and more. 

Join the team – dual studies at EFiS AG!

On March 21, 2021, EFiS AG participated in an open-air event organized by Rhein-Main University of Cooperative Education. Almost 200 prospective students accepted the invitation to get to know the university and, among others, us as a partner company...


Instant Payments: Soon to be mandatory for banks

By November 2021, all banks and payment service providers that have joined the SEPA instant payment procedure and that are connected to TARGET2 must also be accessible via the ECB’s real-time payment system TIPS. This means that from then on all banks that support instant payments today can also exchange real-time payments among each other….


“Don’t forget the accounting of medium-sized companies” – Power talk with EFiS AG CEO Armin Gerhardt at the virtual FPN Payment Transaction Symposium on 3 March 2021

This year, there was something new at the FPN Payment Transaction Symposium. For the first time, a virtual presentation of the future prospects in payment transactions was given, which of course did not harm the excitement…


EFiS AG @ 24th Bank of the Future

For almost a quarter of a century, the International Bankers Forum has met year after year on the occasion of the “Bank of the Future”. The 24th event of this kind took place on February 18, 2021, at which representatives of the banking and technology industry exchanged views on current topics and challenges…

EFiS AG on the 23rd Euro Finance Week in Frankfurt

On Wednesday, 18.11.2020 took the Tech Day of the Euro Finance Week place. Through the online broadcast of the presentations, a large audience of more than 500 interested people could be reached. The CEO of EFiS AG, Mr. Armin Gerhardt…

Euro Finance Week 2020 im Zeichen von Digitalisierung und Covid-19: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven

Covid-19 und das Jahr 2020 zwingen uns alle, neue Wege zu beschreiten und neue Formate zu wählen, um uns augenblicklich an veränderte Gegebenheiten anzupassen. So wird die diesjährige Euro Finance Week als hybrides Event stattfinden, das heißt, sie läuft persönlich vor Ort, aber gleichzeitig auch digital vernetzt ab. Und wir, die EFiS AG, sind dieses Jahr mit einem virtuellen Stand vertreten…

Das 99. Usermeeting – Im Zeichen von Corona

Am 18. März 2020 fand das 99. Usermeeting in Dreieich statt – wegen der Maßnahmen rund um das „Corona-Virus“ dieses Mal in kleinerem Rahmen als gewohnt. Nach der Begrüßung durch den CEO der EFiS AG, Herrn Armin Gerhardt, blickte der Geschäftsführer…

6. FPN Zahlungsverkehrs-Symposium in Frankfurt “Zahlungsverkehr – Quo Vadis?”

Am 11.03. und 12.03.2020 fand das 6. FPN Zahlungsverkehrs-Symposium „Zahlungsverkehr – Quo Vadis?“ im ehemaligen Dominikanerkloster in Frankfurt statt. Die EFiS AG war dort als Platin Sponsor und mit Beiträgen präsent. Anlässlich des 10-jährigen…

EFiS AG @ Bank der Zukunft

Am 27. Februar 2020 fand zum 23. Mal das Event „Bank der Zukunft“ statt. Vertreter der Banken- und Technologie-Branchen trafen sich im Gebäude der UBS Europe SE…

Das 98. Usermeeting – Ausblick auf ein ereignisreiches Jahr 2020 mit EFiS

Zum letzten Mal in diesem Jahr trafen sich wieder Kunden und andere Zahlungsverkehrsexperten in Dreieich zu einem spannenden 98. Usermeeting der EFiS AG. Bevor Herr Gerhardt, CEO der EFiS AG, eine Einführung in die anstehenden Themen gab, begann er mit einem Exkurs…

EFiS selects IBM to modernize payments

EFiS AG announced that IBM complements its BPO offer by adding EFiS payment services into the Financial Transaction Manager to improve the execution of international payments and transactions. EFiS and IBM will provide more resilient direct payment services. In addition, this move will enable European-based customers to connect to almost any bank in the world…

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